Saturday, June 7, 2008

Lakeland Revival Has Not Helped the Real Estate Industry

I was browsing around blogs about Lakeland Florida, to see what was out there, my gosh it is filled with this Lakeland Revival! I had to chuckle that my last post was saying we needed a miracle for the real estate industry here! LOL Well I guess all the miracles are happening at the revival. Maybe when everyone in Lakeland is healed then it will flow down towards the businesses and economy. I am not saying I do not believe in healing - so dont jump down my throat I have a sarcastic side that may show through occassionally.

If people are feeling better then that could actually have a positive influence on their entire life. So let's think positive and let the good energy flow. Whether people are or are not being healed by this revival the outcome will be good energy!

Send some my way, Please


Anonymous said...

You just want them to lay hands on you. *wink wink, nudge nudge*

Mish said...

Good one! Blog Directory