Monday, July 7, 2008

Realtors starting to get more calls!

I spoke with a Realtor over the weekend and she has started receiving more calls on properties! Hopefully this is a good sign. She mentioned that the news media had said some of the housing prices in Tampa have started to go up again and people may have missed their chance on the deals that were out there! Could it be?

I hope some people will start buying again to get in on the last specials - hopefully my condos! Actually now to think of it, I have gotten a couple of requests to rent my condos. Let's see if anyone really follows thru. At this point having renters are ok with me too. Anything to help in this economy!

Hope the news media was right and things will start looking up in Lakeland Florida too!


Anonymous said...

Just the summer upturn, prices will keep going down.

Mish said...

Gosh your gonna burst my hopeful bubble!! I want my properties to sell!!

Anonymous said...

Summer is the best time to get something sold, so you still have plenty of hope left. Blog Directory